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Beide Seiten der vorigen RevisionVorhergehende Überarbeitung
wiki:welcome [27.12.2018 10:42] – ↷ Links angepasst weil Seiten im Wiki verschoben wurden [08.03.2025 05:55] (aktuell) – Externe Bearbeitung
Zeile 12: Zeile 12:
 Go on, follow that link and create the page. If you need help with using the syntax you can always refer to the [[wiki:syntax|syntax page]]. Go on, follow that link and create the page. If you need help with using the syntax you can always refer to the [[wiki:syntax|syntax page]].
-You might also want to use a sidebar. To create it, just edit the [[:sidebar_alt]] page. Everything in that page will be shown in a margin column on the side. Read our [[doku>faq:sidebar|FAQ on sidebars]] to learn more.+You might also want to use a sidebar. To create it, just edit the [[:sidebar]] page. Everything in that page will be shown in a margin column on the side. Read our [[doku>faq:sidebar|FAQ on sidebars]] to learn more.
 Please be aware that not all templates support sidebars. Please be aware that not all templates support sidebars.
Zeile 26: Zeile 26:
 DokuWiki is an Open Source project that thrives through user contributions. A good way to stay informed on what's going on and to get useful tips in using DokuWiki is subscribing to the [[doku>newsletter]]. DokuWiki is an Open Source project that thrives through user contributions. A good way to stay informed on what's going on and to get useful tips in using DokuWiki is subscribing to the [[doku>newsletter]].
-The [[|DokuWiki User Forum]] is an excellent way to get in contact with other DokuWiki users and is just one of the many ways to get [[doku>faq:support|support]].+The [[|DokuWiki User Forum]] is an excellent way to get in contact with other DokuWiki users and is just one of the many ways to get [[doku>faq:support|support]].
 Of course we'd be more than happy to have you [[doku>teams:getting_involved|getting involved]] with DokuWiki. Of course we'd be more than happy to have you [[doku>teams:getting_involved|getting involved]] with DokuWiki.