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wiki:checklist [12.01.2006 10:59] [30.06.2010 15:04] (aktuell) – Externe Bearbeitung
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 +====== How to start a wiki in your business ======
 +===== Check 1: Find a (good) Maintainer! =====
 +Maybe you as the reader of this checklist are the future maintainer of your business wiki.
 +Be prepared for the following tasks, or delegate them to more suitable coworkers.
 +  * check this cceck list (when reading this item twice, beware of infinite recursion ;-) )
 +  * be encouraged!
 +  * be a trainer!
 +  * be a support center!
 +  * be an editor!
 +===== Check 2: Find a good Reason! =====
 +Obviously, there are many good reasons for starting a wiki.
 +But, which benefits do **your** business achive from a wiki?
 +Starting a wiki costs time, and to run it successfully likewise do.
 +  * Which information systems in your business are affected from a wiki?
 +    * do you have a content or document management system running? You probably don't want to compllicate the workflows by introducing yet-another-information-system!
 +    * do you have fileserver/file shares? You probably want to share the knowledge about these contents in the wiki!
 +    * do you have an intranet running? You maybe have to split the content areas between intranet an wiki!
 +  * which knowledge you want to share (see also: Check 5: Choose proper content areas)?
 +    * static information can be stored in a simple intranet application, too!
 +    * media files are usually better managed in a media/asset management system!
 +  * how collaborative work is done in your business?
 +    * do there are certain workflows? Maybe a document/content management system is better for you!
 +    * do you have large, distributed teams? Keep in mind: you have to share the knowledge about the wiki, too!
 +===== Check 3: Find the best Engine! =====
 +There are a lot of wiki engines available, many of them can be compared in
 +But: how deep do you have to struggle in feature decisions, which features are relevant?
 +  * Do there are solely IT professionals in the group of your wiki editors?
 +    * Congratulations: you are not restricted in choosing the right wiki syntax! Otherwise you probably need a [[feature:WYSIWYG%20Editing|wysiwyg]] wiki...
 +  * Do you need a hosting service or maintain the wikiengine on yourself?
 +    * If you have confidential content, you probably don't want to put it outside your office...
 +  * Do you want to run the wiki engine on existing servers?
 +    * Then you are restricted on the system requirements.
 +  * Do your team is distributed?
 +    * RSS feeds are very useful to keep anybody up-to-date on changes of the wiki content. But: Maybe you have to introduce RSS in your business, too...
 +    * Email notifications about changes may be very useful for you.
 +    * The larger and the more distributed the team is, the more you probably want to regulate the access and edit rights. Check out the Security/Antispam section properties!
 +===== Check 4: Choose the right team! =====
 +The more content is stored in the wiki, the more people uses it.
 +So, how to unleash the power of the wiki virus?
 +You stuck in the problem of producing the intiial content. When reaching the break-even point, 
 +the wiki users may turn into wiki editors - or maybe not.
 +If you dont want to build up the initial content alone, setup a team of trailblazers.
 +choosing them from different divisions may be clever: not only for having allies distributed in your organisation - especially the intial content will become more common.
 +===== Check 5: Choose proper content areas! =====
 +The main disadvantage of a wiki is the lack of structure.
 +If you dont want a clump of content, setup a initial structure. 
 +It can be useful to protecd the index pages from being edited by anyone.
 +And don't forget to
 +  * setup a playground
 +  * setup a howto
 +  * setup the documentation
 +===== Check 6: Choose a proper start time! (Take time!) =====
 +Setting up the wiki (namely the wiki's content) is time consuming.
 +be prepared to:
 +  * convict your boss
 +  * teach your allies
 +  * setup content
 +  * teach and support your coworkers
 +===== Check 7: Maintain! =====