<box 80%|The full syntax:>
<box width classes | title text> contents text </box| caption text>
; //classes// : any number of classes which use the styles in your template or the plugin's own stylesheet to determine the look of the box. The box plugins comes with the following classes already defined: * //round// --- box will have rounded corners * //blue// --- blue colour scheme * //red// --- red colour scheme * //green// --- green colour scheme * //orange// --- orange colour scheme * //left// --- box is floated left on the page * //right// --- box is floated right on the page
; //width// : a percentage value from 1-100%. ; //title text// : text (including dokuwiki markup) displayed as a title above box contents. ; //caption text// : text (without dokuwiki markup) displayed as a caption below box contents.
width & classes can be specified in any order.
If a title is used a space MUST precede the pipe „|“
<box>the most basic box</box>
<box 95% red|boxed & titled> this is also boxed </box>
<box green> this is also boxed </box|boxed & captioned>
<box round orange>as is this</box>
<box round 75% |title with forma
tting, a link and rounded corners >boxes can also contain markup…
<div class='box'> <b class='xtop'><b class='xb1'></b><b class='xb2'></b><b class='xb3'></b><b class='xb4'></b></b> <div class='xbox'> <p class='box_title'>Title text would go here</p> <div class='box_content'> <p>Including this html snippet of a box</p> <p>All those <b> tags handle the rounded corners</p> </div> </div> <b class='xbottom'><b class='xb4'></b><b class='xb3'></b><b class='xb2'></b><b class='xb1'></b></b> </div>
but | tables | are |
and plugins … ; definition : list : list : list
and a link </box>
<box |title>a box to match the default dokuwiki colour scheme</box>
<box |Example box> to test what is possible: NICE PLUGIN: You can
looks good?
<box 80% red round| title>red box, 80% wide, with a title</box>
<box blue left> this is a blue box </box>
<box 80% blue round| title>blue box with a title</box>
<box green right> this is a green box </box>
<box 80% green round| title>a wide green box</box>
<box orange>and an orange box </box>
<box 30% orange round>orange box with a title</box| caption> .
moinmoin !
d | e | |
f | ||
Dieser Text ist deleted und dieser <ins>inserted</ins> …
some wiki code: * Test * Test ... :-)
1. bla 2. blub 3. foo 4. bar
<html><font color="green">OK</font></html>
<html><font color=„green“>OK</font></html> will display a green ok (if the option 'htmlok' has been activated in local.php) However, the same line within a table cell will be displayed as is (not as a green ok, but as html code)
symbol | number |
1 | one |
2 | <html><font color=„green“>OK</font></html> |
3 | three |
Possible Fix: If one add the line $this→allowedModes[] = 'html'; in the function Doku_Parser_Mode_Table() or parser.php, then this html code is correctly rendered within a cell table
Hello <html><strong>world</strong>!</html>
Is rendered as:
Hello <html><strong>world</strong>!</html>
Hello world !
It should be on the same line!
* Hello <html><strong>world</strong>!</html>
Is rendered as:
- Hello <html><strong>world</strong>!</html>
It should be rendered as html I think…
It wasn't so with the previous parser. It worked well.
testing <html>html</html> that is inline …
<box gray|hello> foo bar </box>